It has been a while and we have settled into our life after our “northern friends” have gone on “vacation.”
Until the County opens up its reservation system for courts, we are unable to offer leagues and educational clinics.
The lack of a reservation system makes it all the more imperative that we communicate and work with all those subgroups that have discovered the new courts in the last few months. In fact, most days will even see demand at the new blended courts as well.
With that said, we have added a “community calendar” to our website that all other community groups are welcome to post their events on. This is a work in progress and will only work if everyone agrees to post their respective calendars and keep them updated. There are instructions on the calendar on how to get permission to post your events.
Another item worth noting is that the County has effectively quadrupled rates for reserving courts. Previously, we were able to rent 4 courts (ie: tennis court) for $10 per hour. Clinic and League fees paid for the courts. Now the cost to rent one Pickleball court will be $10 per hour. At some point, we will have to assess our fee structure to make sure our programs continue to be viable in the future.
Pickleball is growing beyond anyone’s expectations and that growth will come with challenges to manage the continued court pressure with fair and reasonable expectations of everyone using them.
A word or two on safety is in order. We have already had a few episodes of injuries. Some fence fasteners were not adequately turned down and a few of us have found those that were not, resulting in the need for Band-Aids.
We also had an injury at the new bleachers at the south entrance. The edge of the low bleacher corner is a shin grabber, and it has grabbed a few people along the way. We have made the county aware of this, but there are no promises about a remedy.
Finally, there appears to be a number of players who like to keep the entry gates open during play to keep balls from rolling into other courts. This is extremely dangerous, and we ask that everyone keep the gate closed during play. We are working on a solution to the problem with the County, but it may take a while before you see it on the courts.
In the last month or two, your membership dollars have allowed PRP to purchase court rollers (rain) and brooms for both the new dedicated courts as well as the new blended courts. If you
see a court that needs cleanup, feel free to grab a roller or broom and chip in when needed.
As you know, we have experienced some issues with our website and have received complaints about not getting emails or newsletters, and that you could not find a member in the directory. We have fixed those issues and will continue to focus on making the website relevant to you.
Toward that end, we also recently added Round Robin charts so that any of you can access them and with little effort run a great Round Robin event with little effort. You will find a link on the website under the RESOURCES tab.
Some of you have requested some Round Robin play, so we are working on making that happen. You will find a new page on the website (under the SCHEDULE tab) that will provide more detail on this event series. We hope to host this every Monday evening at 7pm. Be sure to check the website for more details or current information. If you would like to volunteer helping with this every Monday evening at 7 pm. Be sure to check the website for more details or current information. If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, please contact any Board member this event, please contact any Board member.
We are also experimenting with a Skinny Singles event to occur on a regular basis. The first morning session one will be at 7:30 a.m. on July 29 at the blended courts. In addition, we are looking for a volunteer(s) to run an evening Skinny Singles once a week. Again, your club is run by volunteers and our events cannot be run without your help. If you would like to help with the Skinny Singles initiative, please contact any Board member and let them know of your interest.
In closing, we continue to listen and work to make your Pickleball experience as positive as possible.
Join us JULY 7TH at 7 PM
Any club member is welcome to join us as we talk about the club, our website, and address any questions that you may have. Help us make your club more valuable!