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Happy New Year to all our Peace River Pickler friends and family.

We have had a great response and registration for our second session of Pickleball events.

Thank you!

Due to several new PRP members who have joined after the registratin date for session 2, as well as a few members who missed the deadline to sign up, I am listing openings that are available. These are limited, and our sessions start next week.

Please be sure you are at the correct skill level for anything you ask to join. The league leader for the event you wish to join is your contact. Obviously, this is on a first come first served basis.

Available as of Friday morning.

Addtional details can be found on the PRP website along with contact information for the league leader.

Monday South County Ladies 3.5+ Advance Round Robin. 5 openings

Tuesday South County 3.5+ Advanced Shootout. 1 opening

Wednesday South County Mixed 3.5+ Advanced Team Rally 21. 6 openings

Bob White Dink Strategy & Techniques, Tuesdays. 3 openings

Bob White Transitioning from Baseline to Kitchen, Tuesdays. 4 openings

Bob White Lobs & Put Aways, Tuesdays. 3 Openings

Additionally, there is a Tuesday evening intermediate Round Robin at the Pickleplex. This is not a PRP sponsered event, but is being organized by a PRP member, and is another opportunity for evening play. The cost is $25 for 5 sessions and beings January 7th. For more details, please contact Al Smith at


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